Morning glory: Elegant climbers with bright beautiful flowers

Image by Capri23auto from Pixabay
Morning glory plant is very good climber. They are easy to grow and can be grown almost anywhere. The bright unique flowers and the green leaves add beauty to the garden. They require very little care and are easy to grow and maintain. They are a great addition to the garden.
Quick Details of Morning glory
Other Common Names | Morning glory |
Type | Annual flowering climbers |
Maintenance | Low |
Flowering | Summer |
Light | Bright direct sunlight |
Water | Regular watering |
Temperature | Warm |
Soil | Well draining fertile soil |
Fertilizer | Not required |
Habitat | China |
Toxicity | Seeds are toxic |
Common Diseases | Leaf spot, blisters |
Scientific name | Ipomoea purpurea |
Morning glory – Buying Instructions
- Buy a healthy plant with strong stem.
- Buy a plant with multiple branches.
- Buy a plant with leaves which should not have any spots or disease.
Overview of Morning glory
They are flowering annual climbers native to China and belong to the family Convolvulaceae, They are strong climbing plants whose leaves are heart shaped, bright green and hairy. The slender tendrils present helps the plant to hold on to the support. The flowers are bright, beautiful, trumpet shaped, opens during the morning and bloom in colors of blue, pink, magenta, white. These fragrant beautiful flowers attract bees and other pollinators. The seeds are toxic.
Usage and Advantage of Morning glory
- Grown as an ornamental plant.
- Some species are eaten as vegetable.
General Care for Morning glory
They prefer a fertile, well draining, aerated soil with acidic to neutral pH. They can survive in almost any soil kind. Soil should not be hard like rock.
Water the plants on a daily basis. These plants love moisture. Deep water them ones in a week. Spray water on the plant at least once a week.
The plants require bright direct sunlight to bloom and be healthy. They are also survive in shade but the rate of flowering is reduced.
They prefer warm humid conditions. Cannot tolerate cold.
Special Care
They are low maintenance plants and does not require any care, pruning or deadheading. Provide support for them to climb. Mulch the soil to maintain moisture and to prevent the growth of weeds.
They do not require fertilizer. In cases of slow growth or no flowering, feed them with a well balanced fertilizer ones in one or 2 months.
Pests and other problems for Morning glory
They are not prone to diseases or pests when grown in the right climatic conditions with ample amount of sunlight. Excess moisture can lead to leaf spot, root rot or blisters.
The best way to detect any deficiency is by taking a close look at the leaves. The leaves turn yellow when they do not receive enough amount of sunlight . They can turn yellow even when the plant is under watered or over watered. Place the plants in spots with ample amount of bright direct sunlight. Water them when the soil starts to turn dry.
Some of the common diseases seen in morning glory due to over watering or excess moisture are:
Rust: This is a fungal diseases caused due to the presence of excess moisture or water on the surface of the leaves. The leaves turn yellow on the upper side with powdery pustules on the backside of the leaf. Avoid over head watering of the plant and remove infected leaves as soon as possible.
Black rot: It is a bacterial disease. Yellow-orange lesions are seen on the edges of the leaves which causes the leaf to fall off.
Canker: It is an fungal disease that infect and the stems of morning glory and makes it to be sunken-in and brown. It can spread quickly and infect the whole plant. Remove the infected part of the plant.
Damping Off: This is commonly seen when the plants are grown from the seeds. The seedlings tend to wilt and die. It is a fungal disease and is mostly caused due to the excess moisture present in the soil or air or due to the excess nitrogen present in the soil or fertilizer.
They can also be infected with pests like aphids, spider mites leaf miners and leaf cutters. The pests can cause no harm to a healthy well watered plant which is grown in optimum conditions. In case of severe pest attack, spray a mild pesticide or soap solution.
Propagation of Morning glory
The propagation takes place through seeds. The seeds can be sown during spring. Scarify the seeds and soak it in luke warm water for at least 24 hours. Sow the seeds 1/4 inch deep and at least 5-8 inches apart. Water them regularly to maintain moisture. The seeds should germinate within 2-3 weeks. Transplant the seedlings once true leaves appear.