How to deal with Mealybugs – Organic and Chemical way

Image Source: Zeynel Cebeci / CC BY-SA (Image Cropped)
Mealybug is a white color insect which attacks our plants. These insects have wax coating on the top which makes normal pesticides almost ineffective. There are multiple organic and chemical treatments for the Mealybug. It is recommended to use these treatments as per the impact of the Mealybug issue.
Normally it has been noticed that Mealybug and Ants attack in parallel. Actually Mealybug takes the sugar from the plant and provides some of the sugar to Ants as well, in turn Ants help them to spread from one plant to other plants.

Treating Mild Mealybug Attack:
If you notice that there are only a few Mealybugs on your plant and at a very particular place either you can remove that portion of the plant or just wash it with water thoroughly. This will avoid spreading of the Mealybug. We should avoid using any kind of pesticide at this stage as it will harm the plant as well. Wash your plant regularly to avoid returning of Mealybug.
Treating Medium to High Mealybug Attack:
If you notice that some portion of the plant is infected with Mealybug you can use some of the organic and inorganic methods for the treatment. Whatever method you follow, apply it in the evening or night and wash the plant very thoroughly in the morning. It will ensure that you are not interfering with the plant’s biological process. Spray solutions very thoroughly on the plant event below the leaves and flowers.
Organic Method:
Process 1: Take one liter of water, add 2-3ml of organic shampoo and 5 ml Neem oil. Spray this solution on the plant thoroughly. You can spray some amount of the solution in soil as well because there will be Mealybug eggs in the soil as well.
Process 2: If you have patience make two solutions. First solution of water(1 liter) and organic shampoo(2-3 ml). Second solution water(1 liter) and Neem oil (5 ml). Spray first solution and after 1 hour spray second solution. In this process in the first step we remove wax coating and in the second step we kill the insect. You can spray some amount of the solution in soil as well because there will be Mealybug eggs in the soil as well.
Chemical Method:
Process 1: Take one liter of Water, add 8-10 ml of alcohol (ethyl alcohol), 5 ml of dishwasher (or any liquid soap) and 5 ml of Neem Oil. Spray this solution on the plant thoroughly. You can spray some amount of the solution in soil as well because there will be Mealybug eggs in the soil as well.
Process 2: If you have patience make two solutions. In the first solution take one liter water, add 8-10 ml of alcohol (ethyl alcohol), 5 ml of dishwasher (or any liquid soap). Second solution water(1 liter) and Neem oil (5 ml). Spray first solution and after 1 hour spray second solution. In this process in the first step we remove wax coating and in the second step we kill the insect. You can spray some amount of the solution in soil as well because there will be Mealybug eggs in the soil as well.