Rose: The symbol of Love and Friendship: Details and Care Tips

Photo by samer daboul from Pexels
A rose is a perennial woody flowering plant of the genus Rosa. These plants are both ornamental and grown for commercial purposes. Hybrid teas, Floribundas, and miniatures are the various kinds of roses that have commercial value. They can be shrubs or climbers and the stem is covered with thorns. There are around hundreds of species of roses grown worldwide.
Quick Details for Rose
Common Name | Gulab |
Type | Outdoor Flowering Ornamental Plant |
Maintenance | Low/Moderate |
Flowering | All around the year depending on species |
Light | Bright Direct Light |
Water | Normal |
Temperature | Can survive the harsh climate up to an extent |
Soil | Any well-drained potting soil |
Fertilizer | Any house plant fertilizer like Compost, Potassium based fertilizers |
Habitat | Asia, Europe, North America |
Toxicity | Few species are mildly toxic to animals |
Common Diseases | Powdery mildew, black spot and root rotting |
Scientific name | Rosa spp |
They are woody perennial flowering plants belonging to the family of Rosaceae. They are either deciduous or evergreen. They are a group of plants that can be either an erect shrub or a climber. The stems are covered with prickly thorns. The leaves are small green and arranged in a pinnate manner and alternatively. They have leaflets and the margins are serrated and have small prickles underneath the stem. They usually have five petals and the petals are of varied colors including red, white, yellow, and pink. The flowers emit a fragrance that is used in the fragrance industry. The plants are admired for their beautiful flowers at the pleasant and unique fragrance.
Special about roses:
The roses are a symbol of love, friendship, and joy. The colour of the rose mostly depends upon the species. The plants can survive for a really long period of time. The rose also produces a fruit called the rose hip. The rose hips are edible and are said to be rich in vitamin c. A type of rose called as the rainbow rose has each petal having one of the colors from the rainbow.
- They are ornamental plants grown both indoors and outdoors.
- They are the most common commercial flower which is used for decorations and various other purposes.
- The rose oil is used for making perfumes.
- The rose flower is used as food.
- It is also used for flavour and to add a pleasant smell to the food.
- The rose water is used for skin.
- Rosewater is also added to food to enhance its taste.
- The rose flower and its oil are used in the cosmetic industry.
- The rosehip is used as a source of vitamin
- Few species of rose are also used in Chinese medicine.
Rose – General Care
Soil: Roses grow better when planted in well-drained soil rich in organic matter. Add in compost, peat moss, and other organic matter for better drainage in thick clay soil. Adding compost in lean, sandy soil may help to maintain moisture at the roots of the plant.
Light: Rose bushes should receive six to eight hours of sunlight per day for the best show of flowers and the healthiest plants. Roses do best in particularly hot climates when they are sheltered from the hot afternoon sun. In cold climates, planting a rose bush next to a fence or wall facing south or west can help minimize damage from the winter freeze.
Watering: Roses do well in the growing season when soil moisture is kept uniform. The amount of watering and the frequency will depend on your soil type and climate. Roses that grow in sandy soils will require more watering than those in heavier clay soils.
Pruning: Pruning is done mostly during early spring. All the dead and weakened canes (that look brown) are removed. then a third to half of the previous year ‘s growth is cut until white cane centers are found.
Fertilizer: A rose bush needs to be fertilized regularly to produce an impressive show of flowers. Organic methods ensure a smooth, stable nutrient supply. Compost, composted manure, and other organic and natural fertilizers, such as this organic fish emulsion, work well on monthly applications. Organic modifications also help to encourage beneficial microbes in soil and a well-balanced pH in the soil. For newly planted bare-root plants, application of organic modifications to the soil during planting time is done, then after the plant has developed its first blooms to add full-strength fertilizers so that the new roots are not burned. The nutrient content in synthetic fertilizers is higher than in organic modifications, therefore fewer applications are needed.
Pest Control and Other Problems:
Some of the commonly caused diseases in rose include the powdery mildew, black spot, and the attack of insects like aphids, Japanese beetles, spider mites, and sawflies.
Powdery mildew: It caused due to Sphaerotheca pannosa occurs mostly during summers when the days are hot and the nights are cold and wet. The leaves curl and twist with the appearance of white powder underneath. The best way to avoid it is to prevent the presence of water on the leaves.
Control for Powdery mildew: The plants can be sprayed with a sulfur compound like Thiovit 2 g/lit or Bavistin 1g/lit of water at weekly intervals during the winter season
Black spot: The formation of dark black spots on the leaves results in defoliation and is mostly caused due to Diplocarpon rosae.
Control Black spot: Any fungicide.
Die-Back: Caused due to Colletotrichum sp., Diplodia rosarium. The stems die back from the top downwards and the whole plant dies. The disease is caused by damage to the roots due to fungi or careless root pruning or inadequate drainage in the root region, or lack of necessary food elements.
Control for Die-Back: The triggered stem or branch can be cut 2-3 inches below the triggered portion and a cap of fresh cow-dung mixed with Copper Sulphate or Bordeaux paste is applied over the cut wound. It is important to avoid watering over, particularly in coastal areas. It is also recommended that bud grafted plantlets be procured only from reliable nurseries.
Taking a cutting from an existing plant and growing it into a whole new rose bush is one of the best ways to propagate new roses. You cut a stem from a healthy plant when you grow roses from a cutting, and root it in a growing medium so it grows into an individual plant of its own. A rooting hormone can be used to make sure that the cuttings develop root. You can also propagate roses, however, by dividing an existing plant, but this will require a little more effort than cuttings. To propagate by division, a whole rose bush must be dug out, the root system cut in half, and the two halves replanted as separate bushes.