10 Best Indoor Flowering Plants For Your Home

10 Best Indoor Flowering Plants For Your Home
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Nothing beats the captivating presence of indoor flowering plants. Though flower plants all around soothe the whole vibe while elevating the mood. In this hectic world, foot walk to hear birds chirping and admiring nature’s beauty has become impossible. So, what’s better than owning the best indoor flowering plants or growing them own?

Doing so will bring positivity toward living life while adding foliage to the space with ample colors. This will result in a pop of colors, positive energy, and the fragrance of flowers all day long. This article discusses the top 10 indoor flowering plants to help you build a delicate indoor interior.

list of indoor flowering plants

List of Best Indoor Flowering Plants

1. African Violets:

Scientifically known as Saintpaulia ionantha, African Violets are one of the easy-to-preserve indoor flowering plants you can grow. The plant thrives throughout the year with no fuss. There are a variety of African violets out there, ranging from white-edged or ruffled blooms or variegated foliage. These produces are aromatic yet beautiful, making them one of the finest choices for plant lovers. In warm conditions and filtered sunlight, African violets will thrive but avoid over-watering wilted leaves, which can cause unsightly brown spots.

best indoor flowering plants

Tips for caring:

  • Keep soil moist and use all-purpose mud.
  • Medium to bright sunlight, but avoid excessive sunlight.
  • Water once a week.

2. Peace lily:

Scientifically called Spathiphyllum wallisii, Peace lily is one of the most eye-calming and attractive houseplants in this list of indoor flowering plants. In addition to being easy to care for, peace lilies are widely available and easy to grow on your own. Despite the fact that the peace lily can flower year-round, it produces maximum flowers in warm conditions. 

On top of this, it has a great capability of improving air quality by filtering them, as a result, it helps purify your home. For those looking to add an instant tropical look to any room or office, the peace lily is a great choice to go with as it has dark green leaves that are quite large, while its white flowers have a classy elegance. 

best indoor flowering plants

Tips for caring:

  • It should be kept in low to bright sunlight.
  • For blooming adequately, water your peace lily frequently.
  • Keep your pets and children away from the lily plant, as it is highly toxic.

3. Christmas cactus:

In the indoor flowering plants list, Christmas cactus is another great houseplant, sometimes known as the Thanksgiving cactus. Its scientific name is Schlumbergera x buckleyi. This indoor plant is great for indoor locations, whether it is your home or office. However, the Christmas cactus will bloom if placed near a window facing bright, indirect sunlight. Cool temperatures and short days allow your Christmas cactus to thrive. These red-pink flowers of the plant are a must-have to make the indoors look beautiful.

best indoor flowering plants

Tips for caring:

  • Offer moderate rays.
  • Add soil rich in humus and nutrients.
  • Water your Christmas cactus evenly.

4. Bleeding heart:

Bleeding heart is amongst indoor flowering plants without sunlight India. These flowering plants bloom without light for various weeks. It gets its identity from its heart-shaped, pillowy blossom that looks like a single pendulous drop. Scientifically called Lamprocapnos spectabilis, bleeding heart is a captivating forest plant that thrives in winter conditions.

best flowering plants

Tips for caring:

  • Keeping mid consistently moist.
  • Water regularly
  • Place in a shady or part shade location.

5. Begonia:

Belongs to subtropical and tropical zones. Begonia is one of the best indoor flowering plants that grow in an irregular pattern. These plants grow up to 6 feet tall. The requirement of begonia for sunlight is filtered rays so that the plant thrives perfectly. As a result, it will offer your home with a charming appearance.  In addition to having small produce, Begonia plants thrive in multiple colors, including red, yellow, orange, pink, etc.

best indoor flowering plants

Tips for caring:

  • Medium to bright sunlight is required to thrive.
  • Avoid giving harsh or direct sunlight.
  • Add well-drained mud.
  • Frequent watering is a must.

6. Pansy:

Scientifically known as Viola × wittrockiana, the pansy is a fast-growing houseplant with heart-shaped, overlapping petals in different colors or bi-colors and frequently looks like centerpieces. Known as an indoor flowering plants without sunlight India, and the reason behind saying this it can tolerate the cold formed via breeding. Despite this, it thrives well in full light to moderate shade. However, if planted in partial shade, they will bloom longer and always look fresh.

Tips for caring:

  • Well-drained, humus-rich, moist mud is required.
  • Kept under the location with partial or full sun.
  • Cooler conditions let your pansy plant thrive.

7. Kalanchoe:

Pink Kalanchoe flowers in the interior, flowers in a pot, houseplants. Colorful small flowers of Kalanchoe close-up

8. Flowering maple:

The scientific name of flowering maple is Abutilon x hybridum. Leaves of flowering maple share their appearance like the foliage on a maple tree. That doesn’t mean they have the same features. These indoor flowering plants have crepe-paper-like blooms in shades of orange, red, or yellow. For added interest, many plant cultivars offer variegated or mottled foliage. In an indoor location, keep the plant upright like a tree, grow it in a hanging basket, or trim it back to keep it thick.

indoor flowering plants

Tips for caring:

  • Keep soil moist.
  • Provide bright to intense sunlight to your flowering maple.

9. Gloxinia:

If you are willing to have beautiful indoor flowering plants, especially those that require low maintenance, you should own a Gloxinia plant. Scientifically called Sinningia speciosa, Gloxinia typically thrives in early spring or late winter. Or, it can be said that this flowering plant grows back after a certain period while producing eye-catchy velvet flowers.  In simple words, Gloxinia is amongst the best 10 indoor flowering plants that feature bell-shaped blooms in bright colors, often spotted with speckles of white or complementary bands. When it comes to maintaining gloxinia, be sure to keep it fresh until it is thriving.

indoor flowering plants

Tips of care:

  • Offer medium to bright sunlight.
  • Water your gloxinia often.
  • Avoid giving it direct sunlight.

10. Primrose:

The list of indoor flowering plants seems incomplete without primrose since you can’t avoid glossy leaves that will be a distinctive addition to the indoor space. This indoor plant with bright-colored flowers blooms in the shadow well. Best of all, they aren’t demanding about their care and maintenance. Even if placed in the house’s corner, primroses easily grab everyone’s attention.

indoor flowering plants

Tips for caring:

  • Require well-drained soil.
  • A lightly shaded area is the best to keep.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the best indoor flowering plant?

The best flowering plant for indoor space is African violets, anthurium, Phalaenopsis Orchid, Kalanchoe, Dendrobium Orchid, Christmas cactus, peace lily, and begonia.

What is one of the most popular flowering indoor plants?

The most famous and productive indoor flowering plants are Kalanchoe, Streptocarpus, African violet, Anthurium, and Phalaenopsis.

What is the easiest flower to grow indoors?

Christmas cactus, Peace Lily, Flowering maple, Anthurium, Kalanchoe, and Phalaenopsis orchid are some of the easiest flowers to grow indoors.

What is the prettiest indoor plant?

These include rose, tulip, hydrangea, bleeding heart, orchid, peony, lily, peony, and cherry blossom.

Which indoor plant gives 12 months of flowers?

Hibiscus is one of the most effective and easiest flowering plants to grow indoors, and it will continue to provide you with beautiful blooms all year long.

Priyanka Gangwani

Priyanka Gangwani

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