How to grow coriander at home – A step-by-step guide

What’s the first thing comes to mind when you think about coriander? Of course, the fragrance and capability of adding flavors to any cuisine, especially Indian homemade food. Scientifically called Coriandrum sativum L, coriander can be grown in every home. Wait, seriously! We know the same question will be in your mind too. We bring in-depth information to simplify the process of popping out those fresh coriander leaves. Let’s get started!
Sowing to harvesting can make it possible to have easy access to fresh leaves anytime in your comfort space. The dried seeds of the coriander plant, known as coriander seeds, belong to the parsley family. In some regions, they are called Chinese parsley. However, you can visit the grocery store to buy 100% pure, non-GMO seeds for planting fresh, green coriander leaves.
Check out the steps below to get a leafy, tasty, lush green coriander seeds plant:
Step1: Sowing Coriander Seeds
A wide variety of weather conditions is required to grow coriander at home. Before getting to start sowing, you should pay attention to the fact that a hot climate reduces foliage growth and causes coriander to bolt faster. In the case of outdoors, coriander seeds can be implanted from spring to autumn.
During this period, there is an availability of light or sunny rays. You will need to dig up the seeds every three to five weeks to get an immediate supply of leaves. For planting both indoors and out, you can use pots or containers instead of seed trays or transplant seedlings.
Unlike coriander seeds sown outside, inside-grown seeds are faster to grow. You can grow them in well-draining soil with direct sun exposure, with a pH of 6.2 to 6.8. However, the coriander grows well in a temperature range of 17-27°C.
Here are a few tips to follow
- Break the seeds in two parts and soak the seeds overnight before sowing in the soil.
- Sow seeds at a distance of around 1 inch if you are growing in pots. You can even reduce the distance of the seeds while sowing but pluck out some plants in between once they start growing. It will help you in maintaining a good distance between plants and at the same time, a low germination rate will be taken care of.
- Mulch the soil over the seeds with a 1 cm layer of fine mulch (soil).
What benefits of growing coriander in containers?
Do you know the benefits of growing coriander in containers: Here are some reasons:
- Coriander can backlash due to the high heat in summer. However, you can easily change its environment in containers by moving it outdoors to indoors and storing it at cooler temperatures.
- As mentioned above, it may be possible to change the environment with pots, allowing you to avoid waterlogging.
- A specific pot for a specific plant means you can easily sow in succession between spring and autumn.
Step2: Maintaining Coriender Growth
Once sowing is done, make sure the compost or soil is moist. Also, do not overwater to avoid root rot. Keeping the plant dry can cause it to die prematurely. Dig over regularly around plants raised for seed so they get enough water and sunlight on the roots.
Step4: Harvesting Coriander Leaves
From the leaves to the seeds to the flowers, every part of coriander can be used for cooking and harvested from mid-summer. Once you see the leaves look green and fresh, pluck them and store them in the fridge for further use. Frequent pruning helps grow more leaves. If flowers appear, either pluck the flowers or leave them to form seeds.
Things to keep in mind:
- In the case of young plants, keep them 20 cm thin so that they can grow to their elongated size.
- To increase the yield of coriander, cut soft stems or rotate the plant daily during harvesting.
How to grow coriander using the sprouting method?
In this process, a few steps need to be followed, including the following:
- First, you need to pre-soak the coriander seeds overnight in a shallow vessel.
- Now pack these seeds in a sealed pack bag.
- Then for at least two days till the appearance of white shoots, keep it in a place where bright sun rays reach easily.
- If needed, add more water to make sure the bag stays moist.
- When the sprouts are formed, put some potting soil in the open bag.
- When the sprouts increase in size, sow this seed in a pot filled with pure soil.
- Over the sown seeds, then add a thin layer of potting soil
- Keep them in a sunny place for at least 4 to 5 hours.
- Meanwhile, you can move the pot indoors to a spot that gets 4 to 5 hours of bright sunlight daily. Instead, you can keep them in an outdoor place where light shade reaches.
Tips to take care when growing coriander at home
- Like lettuce and spinach, coriander also needs cool temperatures. Make sure it can be grown in partial shade as it does not require full sun.
- For immediate availability of this herb, you need to apply small batches every two to three weeks towards the growing season.
- Never re-pot or transplant germinated seeds. Start growing from seed directly, as this will not lead to bolting.
- Regular and steady water is required to grow healthy coriander leaves.
What are the health benefits of coriander?
- Coriander leaves nutrition: this herb is rich in iron, dietary fibre, magnesium, and manganese. In addition, it is an excellent source of vitamins K, C, and protein.
- The availability of cineole and linoleic in coriander indicates its anti-inflammatory properties. Some may use it to get rid of swelling causing due to kidney malfunction, arthritis, etc.
- It can help lessen cholesterol levels, all thanks to oleic acid, linoleic acid, and ascorbic acid.
- Consuming coriander leaves can also help the body fight against bad LDL cholesterol levels.
- It works well for one with diabetes by giving medicinal value. Additionally, coriander is effective in stimulating blood sugar levels.
- As coriander is a good source of iron, it helps facilitate the suitable functioning of all body organs and prevents anaemia.
What are the uses of coriander leaves?
The coriander leaves use are as follows:
- Apart from garnishing over the cuisines, you can add a distinctive fragrance to your dish.
- As it is an antioxidant-rich herb, it has various health benefits too. For instance, it can help fight against infections, lower blood sugar, and increase brain, heart, digestive, and skin health.
- Combined with cumin, mint and chives, you can prepare a delicious cum healthy smoothie and include it in your diet plan.
Frequently Asked Questions:
The coriander plant can bloom, especially in warm climates, so it can last for 3 to 6 months. However, the duration will vary by care and watering.
It will mature in around 40-45 days and is often used as a rotation crop. Simply put, the germination of coriander seeds takes from 1 to 3 weeks.
Initially, when the seed is placed in the pot, you should keep it in a sunny place for at least 4 to 5 hours. Then, transfer to an indoor location that receives four to five hours of sunlight, placed outside in the shade.
Initially, when the seed is placed in the pot, you should keep it in a sunny place for at least 4 to 5 hours. Then, transfer to an indoor location that receives four to five hours of sunlight, placed outside in the shade.
Harvesting coriander completely will eventually grow back, but you are advised to reduce the amount of time you need in order to promote rapid growth. With ideal conditions and regular harvesting, the same plant will continue to produce leaves for a long time.
As suggested, coriander needs about 1 inch of water weekly. However, once it is well developed, they do not need much water but weekly.