Benefits and Drawbacks of Terrace Gardening

Balcony and terrace gardening is trending nowadays and many people, especially in the suburbs, cities, and metropolitans are crazy about it. There are numerous designs of terrace gardens and people plan their designs based on their needs that can serve their purposes. The most popular rooftop garden designs are as follows:
- Outdoor sitting design.
- Terrace bar.
- Terrace fireplace design.
- Gazebo or Pergola.
- Swimming pool and waterfall.
- Real or artificial grass garden.
- Potted or container gardening.
- Flower beds gardening.
- Pathway gardening.
- Terrace community garden.
- Vegetables, fruits, and tall tree gardening.
- Decorative gardening. Etc.
Like anything terrace gardens also have some benefits and drawbacks. Let us evaluate and understand the benefits and drawbacks of terrace gardening before you decide to go for it.

- You can produce and consume healthy and fresh vegetables and fruits without pests and diseases often without using chemical fertilizers and pesticides or organic produces.
- Besides other watering options, you can use rainwater harvesting methods to minimize the watering cost of your garden.
- Terrace gardening is not only beneficial in terms of supplementing your kitchen. It is also effective to keep the house and adjacent areas cool by remarkably reducing the temperature.
- Terrace gardening can effectively reduce your indoor temperature by 7 to 8 degrees C. which ultimately will minimize the use of your AC leading to decreased cost of power.
- Do you know that your building absorbs heat, especially in the summer and on hot days? A terrace garden can help your building to minimize heat absorption and keep it cool. Similarly, a terrace garden also keeps the building warm during cold days.
- Search for unique and innovative terrace garden ideas in India and plant some air-purifying plants. Plants in the rooftop garden purify the air, maximizes oxygen, and keep the entire area of your house free of air pollution. This helps you and your family breathe clean and fresh air and live a healthy life.
- If you happen to believe in the medicinal abilities of plants and like to rely on them, then your rooftop herbal garden can act as the first line of defense to prevent health hazards for your family.
- If you are interested to grow vegetables and fruit in the garden it will support and reduce your cost of living without you even knowing it.
- You will promote your physical and mental health by regularly working sometime in the garden.
- Eventually, your rooftop garden will ensure the aesthetic beauty of your house, will be a big attraction for your family and friends, and will effectively act as a stress reliever for you
Drawbacks and Challenges in Terrace Gardening:
Advantages and disadvantages are two sides of one coin. Everywhere you will see the pros and cons of everything. Similarly, terrace gardening has numerous benefits and some limitations or risks of which you should be aware. Know the risks and challenges of terrace gardening below to effectively prevent them or find ways to tackle them.
- Terrace gardening may result in water stagnation and soil deposit on the surface of the terrace. This may not be a big concern if the terrace is appropriately constructed. On the other hand, you should be also cautious about the problem and get ready with the remedies once you discover them.
- If you happen to be already with the problem of water leaking from the terrace then terrace gardening may increase your problem. So, think twice and apply prevention like spreading tarpaulin or waterproofing, or any other available solutions.
- Insects and other creatures like rodents, frogs, mice, rats, squirrels, birds, etc. might create problems. So, think of anything that can prevent these predators.
- If you lack adequate knowledge of pest control and plant disease management, then you might get frustrated. Better to get some information on the same before setting up your terrace garden.