My Lucky Bamboo is dead: What mistake did I make?

Lucky bamboo is very easy to grow plant but still some people struggle a lot in growing Lucky Bamboo. Please follow following tips to save your Lucky Bamboo:
Which water to use?: Lucky bamboo plants are very sensitive to the different salts and chemicals which are available in tap water. These salts and other chemicals can harm your Lucky Bamboo roots. Best is rain water which is collected directly from the rain. If rain water is not available use filter water for your plant or if you have to use tap water, keep the tap water for overnight in open and then use it.
Change the water of water plants regularly: Change the water of your lucky bamboo every 8-10 days. This will avoid fungal infection in the roots. While changing the water, clean the leaves and roots as well.
How much water should be filled?: While filling water in the pot of Lucky bamboo please make sure just all the roots of the plants are submerged. Do not fill the full pot with water. Over water can damage the stem of the plant. You can keep adding water to keep the water level constant in the pot.
Where to Keep the Plant? We can keep the plant indoors where there is no direct or indirect bright sunlight. This plant can not tolerate too much sunlight.