Terrarium: Small forest enclosed in its own little world

A terrarium is an enclosed ecosystem of plants where proper conditions are provided to the plants to grow and sustain. Terrariums are made in transparent grass containers with proper arrangement of sand, grables, wood charcoal, soil and other materials.There are two types of Terrariums:
Closed Terrarium: In a closed terrarium, glass jar or box is sealed with the help of transparent stretch film or transparent sheet. Normally closed terrariums are best suitable for Tropical plant varieties, such as mosses, orchids, ferns, and air plants. These plants are generally kept within closed terrarium due to the conditions being similar to the humid and sheltered environment of the tropics.
Even though in a closed terrarium, the plants inside constantly recycle the air. During the day, plants generate oxygen and consume carbon dioxide in the process of photosynthesis while releasing carbon dioxide in respiration. In this way plants produce both air components so they do not need holes for the air in terrarium to survive. But it is a good idea to open the cover of terrarium once in 15 days so that plants get fresh air.
Open Terrarium: Open terrariums are better suited to plants that prefer more direct sunlight, less humidity and soil moisture. Cactus and succulents are more suitable for Open Terrarium. But remember, if you are growing cactus and succulents in terrarium, it should get enough indirect sunlight for better growth.
Nathaniel Bagshaw Ward, a botanist in 1842 accidentally discovered the method of making terrarium. Ward accidentally left one of the jars unattended for sometime and observed that a fern spore in the jar grew, germinated into a plant. This gave him an idea for terrarium. After that Ward used wood and glass cases to import and export plants
It is a little difficult to manage terrarium as even some extra watering can damage the plant roots. We have to provide proper water and temperature for our terrarium.