10 Best Summer Flowering Plants in India: Details and Care

Image by Mircea Ploscar from Pixabay
India has a tropical climate. In the heat, as the plants can wilt away quite early, it may be difficult to grow several flowering plants. Summer annuals are seasonal flowering herbaceous plants that can be grown in a pot and which blooms to develop bright beautiful flowers. The summer season in India mostly starts from March and lasts till May, a number of flowering plants grow during this season even though a lot of care and attention is required in maintaining them. The seeds can be sown from February.
Find below the list of best summer flowering plants in India:
Best summer flowering plants in India
1. Sunflower

Sunflower is one of the Best summer flowering plants in India. These are the bright yellow flower that is known for their beauty worldwide. The sunflowers can lighten up the garden with their presence. These plants are heliotropic (the movement of the plant in the direction of the sun). They grow up to 16 feet. They are bright yellow, and their seeds are used for many purposes, including cooking. This flower is an important food source too. Sunflower oil is used for cooking purposes across the nation. The seeds are edible and are consumed as snacks and are also said to be beneficial to health. this can withstand India’s extreme temperatures and can be grown anywhere.
How to grow and care:
Sunflower plants need a lot of sunshine, so make sure you grow them in a place with a lot of sunlight. Make certain that the soil is well-drained. Overwatering or too wet soil will affect the growth of the plant. Properly water the plant enough that the roots are generously soaked. Once flowers come on the plant, water it only when the soil is dry.2.
2. Morning Glory

Morning Glories is famous in the summers for its exquisite flowers and its heart-shaped leaves. The morning glory gets its name because the flowers mostly bloom only in the morning. The flowers are mostly blue in color. They also come in different shades like pink, magenta, purple-blue and white. These powerful climbers have beautifully-shaped blooms that unfurl in the sun and tendrils that have old-fashioned beauty. They bloom from early summer until the first frost of autumn. Not only are their fragrant, colorful flowers attractive to eyes, but they are also loved by butterflies and hummingbirds.
How to grow and care:
They prefer sunny spots. They need a lot of suns to do their best to flower. Plant them in mildly fertile soil with adequate drainage. The soil should be damp but not moist. Container plants, especially in warmer regions, can need additional watering.
Read more about Morning Glory…
3. Zinnia:

Zinnia flowers add color to the garden and also take a long period to dry out. Zinnias are one of the easiest flowers to grow, as they grow quickly and bloom heavily. These plants last only for a season. Leaving seeds behind to self-seed themselves. They have bright, solitary, daisy-like flower heads on a single, erect stem, which makes them great for use as a cut flower. There are three main kinds of zinnia flowers: single, semi-double, or double. The distinction between these forms comes from the number of rows of petals and whether or not the center of the flower is visible.
How to grow and care:
Sow the seeds directly into the soil. Space the seeds for growing zinnia plants properly, usually several inches to a couple of feet apart, depending on the size of the mature plant. They prefer moist soil. Fertilize the plants once a month. Deadhead the dying flowers to increase the blooming period.
4. Roses

This flower is renowned for its delicious scent and elegance. They bloom in almost all the colors and add beauty to the garden. Since they require no additional attention, these flowers are ideal for summer. They bloom all season long if given the right treatment. Rose has a big role to play in industries. The rose oil, rose water are extracted from the flower and seeds. The flowers produce an attractive smell which is used in making perfumes. Rose also serves its function in foods such as jams, jellies, and particularly in many sweets. Because of its vitamin-rich composition, it also functions as a nutritional supplement.
How to grow and care:
On a regular basis, roses require at least 6 hours of sunshine. Therefore they must be placed in a position where they can obtain the full light. These plants need to be generously watered and planted in well-drained soil so that the water will permeate the plant’s roots.
5. Marigold

These plants are easy to grow and bloom from summer to winter in colors of gold, copper, white, purple, green, red, and mixed colors.
How to plant and care:
The seedlings can be planted in a pot or directly in the ground. The plants can also be grown from seeds or through cuttings. Place the pots in spots with bright direct sunlight for 5-6 hours a day. These plants can grow in any type of soil and require very little watering.
6. Musk Rose

The Musk Rose flowers have a “musky” scent. They grow throughout India. The flowers grow at the axial end of the shoots. They bloom in clusters mostly some are single. This rose, which blooms from spring to fall, grows from 4 to 6 feet tall and wide. Dark rose hips, varying from purple-brown to dark red, are formed after blooming. There is a sweet scent to these pastel-colored flowers.
How to plant and care:
As with every other rose shrub, the musk rose needs at least 6 hours of sun on a regular basis. Therefore plant them in an environment where they have access to full light. Water them regularly. Plant them in fertile, damp, well-drained soil. To help avoid infection, have proper air ventilation and clean the fallen leaves. Prune back the shoots to one-third the length after bloom.
7. Petunia

The petunias bloom in a wide variety of colors and are found in tropical and high-temperature regions in India. They grow fast and blossom beautifully. They are present in colors such as pink, black, red, white, and yellow. Generally, these flowers don’t take much room to grow and can be grown easily in containers. Petunias can survive warm and harsh weather.
How to plant and care:
Sow the seeds when the temperatures are low. They can be grown in hanging gardens as they are low growers. Prepare the potting mix before sowing the seeds. They need well-draining soil and place them in a spot with bright direct sunlight. Simply scatter the seeds on the soil and let them germinate.
8. Hydrangeas

They have flowers of pastel hue that bloom to a considerable size. The plant’s foliage also brings charm to the garden’s overall appearance. These plants take time to grow but are resistant to many pests and pathogens. They are easy to care for. They flower during spring and summer. The hydrangea grows and spreads quickly and sometimes fills up to 15 feet in height in just one summer. They grow fast and blossom beautifully.
How to plant and care:
Deepwater the plants at least once a week. Hydrangeas also benefit once or twice a year from occasional fertilizer lift in spring or summer. Place them in spots with full sun or partial shade. Hydrangeas usually prefer lush, fertile soil that drains quickly. They can be grown in any kind of soil. It is beneficial to supplement the soil with compost prior to planting.
9. Tecoma

Tecoma flowers are one of the most regularly spotted yellow flowers in various parts of India. Often known as the Yellow Elder, these flowers are famed for their lush constant flowering. Tecoma flowers are seen in four distinct colors: brown, pink, red, and yellow. These flowers are lovers of the sun and will thrive in the country’s tropical regions where the temperature is high. These flowers also lure butterflies into your garden and other natural pollinators.
How to plant and care:
They prefer direct bright sunlight and a warm climate. The plants grow in shade but can affect the growth. It is tolerant of drought and is known to be one of the simplest plants to grow in desert landscapes. It prefers relatively dry soil. Too much water, which sometimes causes rot and mildew, can affect the plant.
10. Frangipani

Frangipani is also known as Plumeria or Champa. They bloom in early summer and produce colorful and fragrant flowers. The color of these flowers is white with a yellow in the center. They have a lovely scent, they are also used in cosmetics for makeup and skincare. The frangipani tree grows to a sufficient but limited height, offering great shade in the summer. White frangipani flowers are set in a spiral with a yellow center and five white petals.
How to plant and care:
They require ample amounts of sunlight. The plants prefer full sun or partial shade. The plant needs to be thoroughly watered and should be put in soil that is well-drained. This would make sure that adequate water is obtained by the plant’s roots. However, water is only when the land is dry.