Top 10 Hanging Plants for Home

Adding a greenery touch to the internal space is a kind of refreshing feel, which can bring a soothing feel and positive vibe all day long. Houseplants are a simple and budget-friendly way to complement the interior’s beauty.
But, when it comes to accommodation in small spaces, hanging plants for home could be an even better option, unlike pots and large plants. Today more and more people are hanging their plants and taking them up and into the air, thus saving a lot of space. By doing so, they move out of their convenience and embrace their dull space, experimenting with plant life, potting soil, and whatnot.
Now the question is, which is the right place to hang them? Since indoor plants are usually from warm climates, most need a humid and warm environment, so they should be hung in dazzling but indirect light. However, if you are also one of those people who are keen to bring a chic touch to home space, then check out the list of best hanging plants for home below.
Ten most popular hanging plants for home
1. Spider Plant

Scientifically known as Chlorophytum comosum, spider plants occupy ample space both vertically and horizontally. This physical appearance is wide enough to cover those large areas in the house. Since it has extended and shiny leaves, it is called ribbon plant and airplane plant by people worldwide. Hanging spider plants are perfect for all pet owners because they are completely safe for a dog or cat. The best part is that they do not require much care. For hanging, homeowners are advised to use wide baskets so that their leaves flaunt thoroughly.
2. Golden Pothos

Golden pothos or Epipremnum Aureum holds an appealing appearance due to its multicolored yellow cum golden leaves. To bring out its colors, allow a little amount of light to touch your pothos plant. Best of all, the plant has the ability to purify the toxins carried by air. This quality makes it one of the best hanging plants for indoor, especially for bedroom space. By keeping it inside, you can sleep peacefully all night and can breathe comfortably. To get the purification benefits, hang it near the bed.
3. Air Plant

Tillandsia, popularly known as an air plant, has slender triangle-shaped or strap-shaped leaves that typically pop out in a decorative pattern. There are a wide variety of colorful species of this plant, of which most produce tubular, attractive, funnel-shaped flowers. A significant advantage of having such plants is that they do not require much maintenance to care for and maintain.
The reason is that it requires less soil to live in. People usually display them in transparent/glass terrariums loaded with attractive trinkets and accents. It is advisable for all homeowners to place the air plant in a place that can get enough bright light and good air circulation.
4. Bird’s Nest Fern

Also called Asplenium nidus, the bird’s nest fern can bolt onto developing other plants. Depending on how much they are exposed to direct sunlight, the shape of their leaves can vary. The more sunlight your bird’s nest gets, its leaves will likely look wrinkled. Conversely, the less sun exposure, the more likely their leaves will drop. However, indirect exposure is mainly correct, as overexposure turns their leaves yellow. Because of being grown in tropical rainforests area, this indoor plant accepts humidity, which makes it an ideal option to hang near the bathroom area or inside it.
5. Arrowhead Plant

The Arrowhead plant, scientifically called Syngonium Podophyllum, is famous worldwide with the name of five fingers and arrowhead vines due to the altering shape of the leaves. Their leaves begin to grow with arrow-shaped leaves, and eventually, a few fingers grow. As a houseplant, they are mainly used as trailing plants and can also be used for added visual interest.
More than that, they will develop into long vine over time, which make them one of the most exciting plants for hanging pots. But, you have to avoid cutting its leaves and allow them to grow large enough for a hanging pot or basket. Another notable fact is arrowheads require a humid environment, so they are appropriate for the kitchen or bathroom area.
6. Burro’s Tail

Image Source: Forest & Kim Starr, CC BY 3.0 US, via Wikimedia Commons
Burro’s tail or Sedum morganianum are succulents. In simple words, this hanging plant has the ability to live without water, at the same time, requires an appropriate amount of sunshine. The fleshy and thick leaves of the plant belong to the succulent family, which enables them to preserve water over time. Their presence makes them best for rooms with ample space, where they are free to fall down without colliding with anything. In Mexico, this plant is typically found in nurseries or plant shops. This is the best indoor plant for that tall spot on a bookshelf or hanging pots.
7. English Ivy

Scientifically called Hedera Helix, English Ivy is one of the popular houseplants used to cover brick walls or stone outside the building. You can allow their leaves to dangle loosely from a hanging pot for a more controlled look. Because of its beautiful appearance, it is perfect for keeping where you want your guests to admire their beautiful vines. In addition, they are perfect for halls, rooms, and guest areas as they extend for a very long time.
8. Pitcher Plant

Pitcher plants/nepenthes eat insects, making them carnivorous plants. They catch insects using their modified leaves, named pitfall traps. Also, they require moist and purified water. The pitcher is vibrantly colored and tall so that it can attract its victim. So, hang pitcher plants around if you want to trap unwanted insects and bugs from living and kitchen spaces. Unlike hanging plants for balcony, pitcher plants are fascinating, beautiful, and entertaining.
9. String of Nickles

Pitcher plants/nepenthes eat insects, making them carnivorous plants. They catch insects using them This indoor plant is scientifically called Dischidia nummularia. The plant has terrific silver variegation and coin-shaped leaves. This air plant grows well in stone, baskets, and wood. Regardless of their complex looks, the string of nickels doesn’t need to require much maintenance & care. But, you have to water them instantly if you find their soil is dry. Also, you have to keep them in bright, filtered sunlight. The fact is that they develop reasonably well in low-light conditions. Keeping them inside the window is suitable for their better development.
10. Chenille Plant

Chenile plants, also known as Acalypha hispida, require proper care to reach an extended length and develop faster. Basically, this house plant can grow up to 15 feet tall. But, if it is grown domestically, the plant only grows up to 6 feet tall. Therefore, cutting these hanging plants is a must to keep them healthy and tall, as well as encourage new growth.
What set it apart are the fuzzy red flowers that form a cluster of pistils. Together they are drastic changes of pace from boring all-green houseplants and make a huge difference. Their appearance is perfect for all those entertaining areas that require a little touch of color.
Plants that spread out of the pot can be considered as the best hanging plants like Spider Plant, Money Plant, Arrowhead Plant or Syngonium, etc.
It depends on the conditions of the place where you live. The Spider plant can be considered the best hanging plant as it can easily grow in most conditions.
Normally Money Plant or Spider Plant can last for a very long time in Hanging pots. We need to do the regular trimming of the plants as they grow.
Turtle vines can be considered the fastest-growing hanging plants.
If we consider the fastest growing hanging plants we can name Turtle Vine, Wandering Jew, Money Plant, Spider Plant, Syngonium, English Ivy, Boston Fern, Chenille Plant, String of Pearls Burro’s Tail, etc.
Final Words
Over the years, plants have become an important part of modern homes, which is why their benefits are really starting to grow. So if you plan to renovate your traditional home into a modern cum aesthetic, don’t forget to check out the above hanging plants.