How to get more flowers in Mogra plant?

Mogra plant flowers are known for their pleasant fragrance. People grow Mogra plants for flowers and if it does not flower, it will be a cause of worry for the gardener. So, let’s keep all the worries aside and understand the Mongra plant’s health and flowering.
How to check if your Mogra plant is healthy?
Normally healthy plants produce lots of flowers, so make sure your Mogra plant is in healthy conditions. There are following signs of a healthy Mogra Plant:
- Plant will be bushy
- Leaves of your Mogra plant will be dark green and shiny.
- There will not be any fungal infection in your plant. Sometimes this is not a visible sign. This can be figured out from the overall health and looks of the plant.
- Leaves will be shiny and disease free. Like there will not be any black or brown spots on the leaves.
How to Make a Mogra plant healthy and bushy?
- Prune the plant at least two times in a year. Once hard pruning and once soft pruning.
- Once the flower drops cut the branch from just below the flower place. It will increase the new branch growth from that place and increase the flower buds in the plant.
- Provide leaf compost and liquid fertilizer to the plant for making it healthy. You can use cow dung compost for better growth once in a month. Boil the tea leaves and cool it and use it in the soil. It will be a good source of Nitrogen to the plant.
- Neem cake powder can be provided to keep the Mogra plant free from fungus attack. Alternatively chemical fungicide can be used for fungal attack. Half teaspoon of chemical fungicide can be mixed in one liter of water and can be poured in the plant and sprayed on leaves.
- Do not over water the plant, overwatering can damage the plant root system.
- Provide full sunlight to your Mogra plant.
- Keep checking any kind of fungal or bacterial attack to your plant and do proper treatment as per the disease.
- Remove the top 2 inch top part of the soil and enrich it with fresh soil and compost. It will help in removing some dead roots and improve the aeration in the roots.
Mogra Flowering Season:
- Mongra flowers during summer typically from March to September or October in Indian conditions.
- Mongra requires a temperature more than 20-25 degree centigrade to flower. It stops producing flowers in winters when the temperature drops.
How to get more flowers in Mogra Plant?
- Monga plants should be healthy to produce more flowers during the flowering season.
- Your Mogra plant should be bushy with lots of branches and end points. The more branches, the more flowers.
- Well fertilize your plant before the flowering season. You can add bone meal to your plant before the start of flowering season.
- Chemical fertilizer like DAP can also be used in the plant before the flowering season. It is a good source of phosphate for the plant. Phosphate is helpful in flowering on the plant.
- Check if there is any issue of bud dropping from the plant. You can identify it if you notice flower buds which got dropped from the plant without blooming. There is a control mechanism that you can follow to reduce the buds dropping. You can use haldi water to treat the buds drop of the Mogra plant.
Hope this information was helpful and you get lots of flowers in your Mogra plant.